Where Promises Become Proof

Ever wonder if your apps are actually making you money? Wonder no more. Welcome to Moneyboard.

Why Moneyboard Matters

Moneyboard isn’t just another analytics dashboard. It’s where promises become proof:

  • See the extra revenue Boost generates for your store
  • Understand which Boost features are driving your growth
  • Get a clear view of your return on investment with Boost

In short? Moneyboard shows you exactly how Boost is supercharging your Shopify store.

The Boost Difference: Features That Show You The Money

1. 💰 Revenue & ROI at a Glance

Why guess when you can know?

  • Total revenue graph: Watch your Boost-driven sales climb
  • ROI tracker: See how much you’re making for every dollar spent on Boost
  • Feature breakdown: Understand which Boost tools are your top performers

Result? Clear, actionable insights that help you maximize your Boost benefits.

2. 🛒 Cart Performance: The Power of Reward Tiers

Curious how those free shipping thresholds are working out?

  • Revenue breakdown by reward tier
  • Order counts for each tier
  • Clear view of which rewards drive the most sales

Watch as customers climb your reward tiers, boosting your average order value along the way.

3. ➕ Upsell Insights: The Art of “One More Thing”

Because the sale doesn’t have to end at checkout:

  • Checkout Upsell performance: See total revenue and average upsell value
  • Post-Purchase Upsell analysis: Track the extra sales after the initial purchase
  • Top performers: Identify your most successful upsell products

Discover which products your customers can’t resist adding to their orders.

4. 📈 Subscription Success: Turning One-Time Buyers into Lifetime Customers

Measure the power of recurring revenue:

  • Track revenue from “Switch to Subscription” feature
  • See how many customers are converting to subscriptions
  • Understand the long-term value of subscription offerings

Watch your customer lifetime value soar as one-time purchases become ongoing relationships.

5. 📦 Bundle Builder Breakdown: The Joy of “And”

Because sometimes, more is more:

  • Total revenue from bundle sales
  • Performance metrics for each bundle flow
  • Insights to optimize your product combinations

Fine-tune your bundles to create irresistible offers that customers love.

🤝 The Boost Promise

  1. Clear insights: No complex analytics, just straightforward proof of performance
  2. Real-time updates: See your Boost-driven growth as it happens
  3. Actionable data: Use Moneyboard insights to continually optimize your store

📍 Your Roadmap to Revenue

  1. Install Boost: Your one-stop shop for Shopify growth
  2. Enable Boost features: Activate the tools that fit your store
  3. Watch your Moneyboard: See your revenue climb in real-time
  4. Optimize and grow: Use insights to fine-tune your strategy

It’s that simple. Real growth, real revenue, real fast.

🧭 Continue to Explore

🚀 Ready to See Your Moneyboard Light Up?

Join the top-performing Shopify stores using Boost to drive real, measurable growth. Try Boost risk-free for 30 days and watch your Moneyboard come alive with proof of your success.